This article: A home inspection should be ordered before you purchase a property. The report covers: Structure (roofing and foundation, walls, ceilings, attic, walls, roofs, etc.) Interior Exterior (including Windows) Systems (plumbing, electrical, heating, cooling) You may have to replace or repair defective items. Verify your new refinance rates today! What is a home inspector? The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) defines a home inspection as “an objective visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a house, from the roof to the foundation.” It’s important to note the word “visual” there. What’s visible often provides clues to bigger, hidden problems and those should be highlighted in the report. But they don’t always, and home inspectors won’t hack away drywall or dig around to expose foundations. They’ll assess the things they can see and check the systems they can check. Related: Should I not go forewords after a terrible home inspectio...
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